Friday, April 5, 2013



PowerPoint is another program offered in the microsoft office bundle along with word and excel. Powerpoint is definetly one of my favorite programs because of how amazing it could make any presentation look. It has a variety of tool that let you add and edit pictures, text and effects on the slides of the presentation themselves. PowerPoint is the program you need to use on a proffesional level when creating any presentation for a school project to a business pitch.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Group Assignment

Group Assignment

I personally enjoyed the group assignment that just came to pass, and found that working with a partner on assignments like the one assigned is definitely the way to go. Between my partner and myself, we got lots done and fast enough to finish before the end of class which would have been to great of a task for one person. Looking forward to the next group assignment.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word

               Microsoft Word is a program that comes in the Microsoft bundle that allows you to input data and allows you to create things like charts, graphs and also allows you to write essays, papers, projects and much more. It comes with features and templates so you can do things like Will's, certificates, awards and day to day checklists. Word is essential for people from college students to businessmen as it offers a variety of tools to get any job done. Its definitely one of the most well known Microsoft products and absolutely one of the most helpful.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Windows 7

           Windows 7 is a new operating system for pc computers. It performs much better then its previous operating systems which include, vista and and xp. Xp was a big success for microsoft but once vista was released it was noticed that a better operating system needed to be created. Windows 7 provides a large amount of programs and widgets and gadgets that make navigating through your pc both easy and enjoyable.